Po Valley Cdc - We believe that quality early childhood programs enhance the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children while meeting their individual needs. Our Child Development Center (CDC) developmental activities are structured to promote children's positive self-image by improving social, cognitive and communication skills.

CDC's philosophy is to provide quality child care based on developmentally appropriate practices. Goals include helping children become enthusiastic learners; to encourage children to be active and creative researchers who are not afraid to try new ideas and think their own thoughts; help children become independent, confident, curious learners; and teach children how to be lifelong learners. Goals are set based on skills in the areas of social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. The goal-supporting activities are designed to make the game fun and educational.

Po Valley Cdc

Po Valley Cdc

Memorial CDC (part-time Strong Head Start, preschool and toddler), S. Riva Ridge (full-day care), Po Valley CDC (full-day care) and Chapel Drive (full-day and hourly care) are nationally accredited by the Association for Early Childhood Education - Young Children (NAEYC).

Thunder Valley Cdc

All programs are closed on federal holidays and weekends, as well as two training (staff development) and two organizational days per year (training and organizational day closures will be announced in advance).

A Parent Advisory Board (PAB) is available to all families willing to volunteer their time to work with the program to make improvements and develop new initiatives. Meets every month at any location. For more information on specific program times and questions, please contact your director.

Chapel Drive Child Development Center offers quality full-day childcare for families with children aged six weeks to five years. Hourly care is now closed until further notice.

Po Valley Child Development Center offers quality full-day childcare for families with children aged six weeks to five years.

Child Development Centers

South Riva Ridge Child Development Center offers quality full-day childcare for families with children ages six weeks to five years.

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